The famous saying is: “There is no love sincere than the love of food”(George Bernard Shaw)
The foodies’ love of food ends up with tons of weight gain. Whenever there is an issue of weight gain after piling tons of it, a simple thing which gives a green single to your mind when you look up for the solution, is Green Tea. It’s a powerful remedy for cutting off extra gain in your body. It contains antioxidants and fewer traces of caffeine which maintains metabolism. It has a detoxifying compound which helps you in reducing fat and cleaning skin eventually. visit here
When we think of green tea as weight loss remedy a single point comes onto mind. How those tiny green leaves also known as Matcha becomes very effective in losing weight?
Table of Contents
5 ways in which Green Tea will stimulate the weight loss process:
Here we will discuss five effective ways in which green tea will start to make you believe in miracles against weight loss.
No Calories
Green tea is the second-best beverage around the world. It contains 0% ratio of calories in it. So there is no issue of consuming green tea in a day. 2 to 3 cups in a day prevent heart diseases as well as clean toxins from the body. visit here
Buy organic tea
The other most important thing is to go organic. Now a day’s people have known the side effects of preservatives and artificial flavors. It’s good to choose green tea with no such additives.
Brewing Green tea
While making a cup of tea never brew the water for long as it will shed out the nutrition as well makes it bitter to drink. So these tips should be in mind.
Lemon and Ginger
Adding half a lemon and a piece of ginger while brewing your green tea will have fast effects in weight loss. As both of these helps in reduction of constipation and indigestion. This ultimately helps in weight loss.
Say no to sugar
If you want to cut those extra pounds than sugar is a no-no. Rely on the taste of well brewed green tea as it will taste delicious.
How Green Tea is better than supplements for weight loss?
More than 30% of people around the world face obesity. And the ratio is increasing day by day. People being victims of obesity realize at some stage that that being in shape again is a far more cry. So the use of weight loss supplements and bottled detoxifying drinks are becoming more common. As companies selling those drugs claim for a rapid weight loss which in fact end up into severe side effects. Which can’t be neglected by individuals?
Green Tea is better than weight loss pills
Green tea is better as it boosts our metabolism which helps in burning fat eventually if use organically. Whereas pills claiming rapid reduction end up with the major disease like cardiovascular and other diseases like gas, bloating, diarrhea. Therefore it leads to serious loss of money as well.
Green tea is better than ready-made drinks
Detoxifying drinks has a buzz around the town. Full with chemical composed flavors and preservatives the drink lasts longer in bottles and cans. Rather it increases headache while cleansing your body.
Whereas the consumption of natural herbal green tea will slowly affect our body in a positive way. Being rich in minerals, antioxidants and nutrients it sure gives the best result of your choice gradually.
What could be expected results of Green Tea with Proper Diet and Exercise?
Green tea works as a miracle there is no doubt in it. Our immune system speeds up with it. The speedy results only come out while we diet and exercise with it. Can you imagine yourself in a shape without any effort and just with a few cups of tea. Exactly not, eating the things out and having tea is not a solution to your overweight. There is much more it.
Follow a diet plan
Dieting seems impossible with lots of eatery places around offering scrumptious meals. But don’t make it a headache. The most important thing to be noted here is to keep it low. Eat less won’t make a fuss. Build a simple diet plan or search on the web.
Here we will discuss 5 simple steps
5 steps of diet plan
A simple plan with no hectic rules makes it easy to follow. Just follow these rules
- Eat a healthy, protein full breakfast, will energize you the whole day
- Drinking water before meals as your stomach will be full after little meal consumption. Make it a must and avoid cold drinks.
- Drink green tea after lunch and dinner
- Eat unprocessed food more include grains, fruits and salads in your daily diet
- Eat food slowly as it will boost up your immune system.
Make the moves
Putting a few cups of green tea into your stomach and limiting your meals won’t effect until you move around. Yes…. Exercise the 3rd most important element for coming into size. You won’t have the expected results until you move your butts.
5 simple exercises you must try
Why wasting money on a gym when you can do these simple exercises while staying at home. They offer a variety of machines for rapid loss but these simple at home exercises make it much faster.
- Walk: A daily walk routine is never been a hectic thing. Start walking around straight first in slow motion and after 5 minutes makes it fast so it won’t fatigue your muscles. 30 minutes’ walk daily will do it all.
- Skipping rope: The ideal way to shed your pounds in a few days with proven results is skipping. Though at the start you couldn’t make it to long but give 5 to 10 minutes to it and you will definitely see the change.
- Push-ups: A traditional exercise working since ages it has great effects on shoulders, triceps and back. Start from scratch from 20 push ups daily to 40 will work out.
- Squat: A bit harsh on legs in the start but definitely it works to shape your thighs and legs. 20 to 30 squats daily will give positive results.
- Planks: Making your body firm and lying on the floor with your elbows and feet touching the floor works wonders. Hold there for 30 seconds with intervals up to 5 times.
The combination of a balanced diet with exercise and a cup of green tea will definitely bring out proven results to your body and makes you in the shape you desired.
Scientific Research related to Green Tea in helping Weight Loss
The scientific studies have proven the effects of green tea in our body. Green tea mainly consist of Vitamin B and other nutrient like
Which help in cutting fats and boosting the immune system of our body. It has the ability to fight different severe diseases to nominal ones. A strong scientific review in 2010 explains that traces of caffeine and catechins had a minor but useful effect on the body.
Green Tea helps to Prevent Diseases along with Weight Loss
Green tea is also a supplement for diseases as medically proven because of (EGCG) an antioxidant present in it. It helps in reducing severe illness like cancer and has the ability to fight other diseases like high blood pressure, heart strokes. This also helps in reducing overall weight of a body.
Some of the scientific researches also went against its functions. Most studies found out that green tea should be part of our daily diet but don’t over use is. One should almost kept in line that the beneficiary things always have some week points. Green tea has beneficial and proven results in the long term. With a good exercise and a proper diet plan, you can win the race of weight loss.
Team Platinum also suggest you to add green tea in your daily diet and exercise regularly to get effective results. By doing this, you can make your life Platinum.